In Love with Graz
— strawling through the lovely city of Graz, the capital of Styria in the south of Austria with the gentle touch of design and arts.

The Uhrturm, a 28m high clock tower and famous landmark located atop Schloßberg.

Hauptplatz (mainsquare) and townhall as seen from Schloßberg.

A couple kissing atop Schloßberg.

View south-west from Schloßberg, the Kunsthaus art museum seen left, the Murinsel seen lower left, church Mariahilf center and river Mur below.

A young couple enjoying the sunset atop Schloßberg.

The Uhrturm, a 28m high clock tower and famous landmark located atop Schloßberg.

Kunsthaus art museum.

Kunsthausecafé restaurant and bar within Graz Kunsthaus.

A breakfast dish at Kunsthausecafé restaurant and bar within Graz Kunsthaus.

Street view

Dome and church of Graz, Austria.

Burgtor, a tunnel through the ancient wall of Graz.

Opera house.

Traditional styrian market at Kaiser-Josef-Platz where farmers around Graz offer their products.

One of various statues at Stadtpark.

Parkhouse pub at Stadtpark.

Entrance and greenhouse of botanical garden.

The greenhouse of the botanical garden.

Botanical garden.

A bicyclist drivin uphill of Sporgasse, a street with shops

Traditinal styrian garb newly interpreted in combining it with a scottish kilt.

Café Mitte

Roof tiles as seen from Kastner&Öhler department store.

People at making sports at Augarten park.

Wurstel diner at Hauptplatz, mainsquare.

Murinsel illuminated at dawn, an artificial floating platform designed by New York City artist Vito Acconci on the occasion of Graz becoming the 2003 European Capital of Culture.

Murinsel illuminated at dawn, an artificial floating platform designed by New York City artist Vito Acconci on the occasion of Graz becoming the 2003 European Capital of Culture.